Desk Review on Gender Issues Affecting Neglected Tropical Diseases

14 Jun 2019
This report was prepared by Act to End NTDs | East consortium partner WI-HER in collaboration with RTI International. RTI International thanks the Desk Review authors from WI-HER, LLC: Taroub Harb Faramand, Kelly Dale, Megan Ivankovich, Kathryn Roberts, Maddison Leigh Hall, and Allison Annette Foster.

This desk review first presents results of global research on the intersection of sex and gender with NTDs, interventions, health systems, and policies and then examines this intersection in six countries—Ethiopia, Haiti, Nepal, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda—selected from the 13 target countries in USAID’s Act to End NTDs | East Program. Across these case studies, there is a common observation of lack of sex- and age-disaggregated data and gender-sensitive data to understand key barriers to achieving control and elimination goals. Initial evidence suggests that gender norms, roles, and behaviors are impacting exposure and susceptibility to NTDs, and that these dynamics impact access to and uptake of treatment.

Based on findings from this desk review and global gender-related principles and best practices, Act to End NTDs | East presents four primary recommendations for national NTD programs to facilitate more equitable, efficient, and effective NTD strategies and activities and promote greater gender equality.